Thanks to Carl Jung's discoveries about the meaning of dreams and their psychotherapeutic effect and thanks to my discoveries after continuing his research, severe mental illnesses can be cured through dream therapy. They can also be prevented if the dreamer is neurotic.
Neurosis is the beginning of the invasion of the anti-conscience into the person's conscience. In this stage they still have a human conscience and they can prevent a severe mental illness.
When a big portion of their conscience is destroyed by their anti-conscience their treatment is impossible because their conscience doesn't control their thoughts and their behavior.
Dream therapy is a miraculous mental health treatment that helps the patient recover his/her conscience even after completely losing it, but this treatment takes time. Psychosis, schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder and other mental illnesses are cured in five years or more. Usually they need around ten years of psychotherapy. However, there are gradual improvements during this period of time.
The scientific method of dream interpretation reveals many important truths to the world. The meaning of dreams is specific and can be accurately translated. The veracity of the information contained in the dream translations can be verified in the daily life of the dreamer and in his life biography.
The relationship existent between the meaning of his dreams with his psychological problems and the issues he is facing in his daily life proves that the information contained in the dream messages is helpful and valid.
All dreams contain meaningful information that cures the dreamer's mental illness. The existent of intelligent messages in dreams proves that God is the dream producer.
Everyone needs psychotherapy, since everyone inherits a satanic anti-conscience and an underdeveloped conscience that must be developed through consciousness.
Those who already lost their conscience need an urgent mental health treatment with professional dream translations. Those who still have a human conscience can learn the dream language and translate the meaning of their dreams without depending on a dream translator.
The psychotherapy existent in the dream messages can cure every problem; even physical diseases. Everything depends on the dreamer's obedience to the divine guidance. When the dreamer is obedient, his cure is simple, but if he already lost his conscience, his obedience is impossible.
Dream therapy performs an impossible cure thanks to the repetitions contained in the dream messages. When the dreamer's conscience is not working, he cannot understand the importance of the divine guidance. These repetitions help him understand his mistakes and obey God's guidance at a certain point.
The mentally ill need too many explanations because they make too many mistakes, and they keep repeating these mistakes. This happens because they cannot control their behavior. Their anti-conscience acts in the place of their ego.
This is a complication that has no solution. God manages to solve this problem thanks to the multiple explanations and repetitions contained in the dream messages.
When the patient's conscience is not working, he doesn't have a good memory. Therefore, he cannot remember the unconscious lessons and many other things that could help him avoid repeating the same mistakes. The idiotic repetition of the same mistakes is caused by the loss of consciousness, and the lack of memory.
Dream translation based on the scientific method gives to the world an internal image of the functioning of the human brain. Thanks to the information contained in the dream messages we can understand what is happening in the patient's brain and how he is behaving in his daily life.
The translation of the meaning of dreams is helpful also for the patient's family, since they can follow dream therapy too and understand how to help the person they love. They also learn how to deal with their psychological problems because they have to be tolerant and they cannot express their feelings.
This is a safe natural treatment based on God's guidance, even though it is somehow long for those who have severe mental illnesses. Simple mental illnesses like phobias, depression, neurosis, etc. can be cured in 8 months of dream therapy, but the cure of a severe mental illness is based on a gradual restoration of the person's conscience after being completely destroyed. This is why it takes time.
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